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Learning through LEGOⓒ education kits like Wedo, SPIKE and BrickQⓒ is a fantastic and increasingly popular way to engage students in STEM (science, tech, engineering and math).

Kids robot



STEM concepts and teamwork are combined in this action-packed program where kids lean real-life skills while having real-kid fun!

Learn and apply coding principles in a STEAM context. Challenge students at primary grade levels with a coding progression from simple icon blocks to Scratch.

LEGO® WeDo Introductory

Students use LEGO© WeDo programming software to bring to life the models they build. The course is divided into mini missions centered around Exploring, Creating and Sharing.


Missions are based on four science domains:

- Physical Sciences

- Life Sciences

- Earth and Space Sciences

- Engineering, technology & application of science.


This is an excellent introduction to computer programming in a hands-on team environment.

LEGO® SPIKE Intermediate

St​udents are introduced to the graphic programming language, equipping them to succees in a technology-driven marketplace.


Learn to develop Collaborative Communication skills, Critical and Creative Thinking skills and STEAM Computational Thinking concepts such as :

- Decomposition

- Generalization

- Algorithmic thinking

- Evaluation and debugging

- Abstract thinking

LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential & Prime

Engages students in the exploration of physical science within a sports context. Students will experience cool "aha!" moments as they set bricks in moion.

BricQ Motion helps foster an understanding of forces, motion, and interactions by providing easy hands-on learning experiences without the need for technology.

Learnings include:

- Formulating questions

- Data analysis

- Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

- Predicting future motion

- Collaborative Communication skills

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